Happy Mother’s Day

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Being a mom is the hardest job I've ever had. It's even harder when you're struggling with your mental health.

When my kids were younger, I was depressed and suicidal. I drank alot to mask my pain. I was emotionally distant, angry and detached from my own kids. The guilt I held onto ate away at my soul. I was the worst mom ever in my eyes.

Today, My guilt is gone and my mental health is good. My boys are now teens and while they have their issues, they are great kids. They are kind, caring human beings and that makes me proud. I guess I beat myself up for nothing.

What I have learned over the years is not to second guess my decisions surrounding my kids, I don't compare my kids with others, and I don't care what other parents think about how I'm raising my kids.

What I've learned is if I teach my kids my values, at some point they take them on as their own.

Whatever, and however you are raising your kids - you're doing a DAMN GOOD JOB!

I just wanted you to know that.

Happy Mother's Day to you!!!

Now take the day off and go do something for yourself 😁


Mindset Warrior


Be Fearless