Fear in Uncertainty


We all have experiences where fear keeps us from moving forward. With the events of the coronavirus, many of us are struggling between having good days—and knowing that this will pass—to having days where fear and anxiety take over and it’s hard to get through the day.

On those days where fear takes over, my mind starts to race about all the what-ifs? I think of my kids and try to figure out how I can continue to keep positive amongst the uncertainty while preparing them for the unknown of the coming year. Thinking of them only brings fear and I start to panic—anxiety creeps in and I’m not sure what to do.

Then I remind myself that I already know what I should do. I pull out the familiar resources that I know. I walk into my meditation room and go within.

  • I meditate

  • I pray

  • I listen to my intuition

And the fear subsides. My anxiety is gone. And my thoughts are clear. I am reminded of my purpose to help others, including my children, and I know how to have those conversations with my kids.

Going within is so important for my self-care. It keeps me grounded and focused on the present. It keeps me calm so I can be a role model of strength for my family.

Going within brings me guidance and healing.

To help you with some tips on how to go within, I’m sharing advice from Everyday Being Circle Partner—Marnie Vincolisi, on how to find healing during the coronavirus:

Fear from the Coronavirus

What spiritual healing can come from the Coronavirus?

I do not want to make light of people who are ill from the Coronavirus, but there could be a way to see this turmoil differently and release your fear. While working with a client in Cyprus, it occurred to me that if this pandemic was touching the entire world, there must be a deeper reason why there is so much fear from the Coroanvirus and there is a spiritual healing that can happen.

Don’t let fear ruin your life

Release your fears and open to love. When you allow your fears to dictate how you act, love is placed in the background. You will be supplied with all you require, and your needs will be filled, if you only trust it to be so. Stay in your heart, and the Universe will take care of you. This is not a myth, I have seen positive loving thoughts change the outcome, it can happen for you.

What is your deeper purpose

There are so many outside influences in our lives that we can lose track of what is vital for an emotionally, mentally, and spiritually balanced life. Home is where the heart is, and the virus is requiring people to stay at home and refocus their priorities. By avoiding contact with the outside world, people have an opportunity to be still and look within. It opens the opportunity to reconnect with our immediate family, and those we live with, and if you live alone, you will be able to have the time to acquaint yourself with your deeper purpose.

Open to receive a gift from the Universe

The powers of the Universe have removed the distractions. Take note; you are receiving a gift from a higher plane. Our homes represent our hearts, and in this space, we can reconnect to what is essential for our inner happiness. You will not find it outside of yourself, it lies within, and it takes quietness to discover how to obtain the peace you seek.

Let isolation advance your spirit

If you are required to stay at home, do not see it as a restriction, make it a time to feel and know who you are. In our core, we are living, caring, beings of light. We become so wrapped up in activities that we forget our original purpose. That is to be loving, kind, compassionate people, and that love must begin with ourselves before we can fully share it with others.

Take this time to evaluate what is essential and how you can redesign your life to fit the loving purpose of your existence on earth. Then fear from the Coronavirus will subside.

In the stillness of my heart


Light Internal

Marnie has written numerous books on the subject of Reiki and energy healing. If you want to learn more, you can purchase them on her online store.


Hope Exists Within


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