Celebrate National Women's Health Week


As women, we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves, as we are so focused on taking care of others. But it’s important that we make the time to ensure we stay healthy.

  • Of Body

  • Of Mind

  • Of Emotions

We all have different approaches to our health and that’s okay. Do you prefer:

  • Walking?

  • Going to the gym?

  • Meditating?

  • Prayer?

  • Journaling?

  • Breath-work?

It doesn’t matter what your method, as long as you make the effort to take care of your body, mind and emotions.

National Women’s Health Week—being observed May 10-16 this year—raises awareness about the manageable steps women can take to improve their health.

And just like Everyday Being, the key word is: manageable—what works for you. This initiative, led by an alliance of government organizations under the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ Office of Women’s Health, focuses on the importance of incorporating simple, preventative and positive behaviors we can easily incorporate into our everyday being!

Learn more about the week here: https://www.womenshealth.gov/nwhw—and pay special attention to the online questionnaire https://www.womenshealth.gov/nwhw/find-your-health designed to help you find you health base-point. After all, it’s important to know our starting point before we can make meaningful change.

Healthy looks good at every age!


You're never too young or too old to work on your health.

Health is a lifelong journey. It’s personal. It’s unique. It’s yours. Every few years, evaluate your health base-point and find new ways to improve your health in a way that’s uniquely you.

As your body ages—whether you’re 20, 30 or 50+—changes are necessary to accommodate for how your body, mind and emotional needs change. The goal is to stay focused on maintaining good health. For years, I was an avid runner, but after several surgeries from running, I’m now an avid walker. One of my favorite things to do is walk the malls with my husband (don’t worry, my sneakers are not silver!) It’s great for conversation, people watching and getting in extra laps after dinner—just leave your wallet at home. And many days we’ll hit two different malls, one after breakfast, another one after dinner. You’d be surprised how easy it is to wrack up the miles without it seeming like exercise!

And with the malls closed, I recently picked up this little guy which is so much fun and easy on my knees. And I can be on it while reading social media!

I took the questionnaire this morning (https://www.womenshealth.gov/nwhw/find-your-health) and was happy to find that I’m taking care of me in a pretty good way. I walk a lot, and use the tools and resources at my disposable to take care of my mental health and emotional needs. But darn it if I can’t quit my evening ritual of smoking a few cigarettes between dinner and bedtime. A habit of mine that for 40+ years I can’t seem to break. Truth is, I rarely ever try to quit.

And that’s okay, it’s my everyday being!

Take this week to evaluate where you are in your health. Put aside any judgment of where you are today or how you got here. What matters most is moving forward. Then ask yourself, What changes do you want to make?

Or even better, What’s my everyday being?




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